< img src = "http://www.aventure-solaire.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/20170607_01_defis_scientifiques.jpg" alt = "" width = "215" height = "307" style = "float: Left; Margin-right: 10px; " The solar bike was invited to the exhibition of scientific challenges led by classes and centres extracurricular held at the great Orangerie of the Garden of Science, this Wednesday, June 7. The bicycle was the subject of many questions from the children and they understood the reasons for the association of solar panels and an electric bicycle, the circulation of energy in the vehicle, the hybrid nature of its propulsion. On the other hand, the storage battery did not appear to be a necessity for each; A phase of experimental tests could have made it possible to highlight the crucial role of temporary storage of solar energy, by nature so fluctuating. Thank you to the Education Department of the city of Dijon for this invitation!
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